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Breda Sturm’s White Canvases
While perusing the signs, the painter is fine-tuning the white matter set on a white surface until she begins to resonate in the white stillness of the canvases, set in a harmonious order only bearing sketched shapes with their branched rhythm. With her approach Breda Sturm has become part of the upgraded tradition of modernist, historical records that are revealed by communication signs. By inscribing signs, she is filling the underlying whiteness of her paintings with her own whiteness, and as she turns a new page with every painting—and there are enough to fill two octavos—all the works act as an optically orchestrated whole. The series only waits for the sounds of messages to be applied by the painter—who relies on fleeting signals—as relief to her white canvases as if on ethereal plaster.
Milček Komelj
Sound Note Painting
A series Sound Note Painting (mixed media, 125 x 125 cm) including the painting The Beginning and the New Beginning (mixed media, 215 x 560 cm) primarily deals with the research of sound, image, space, rhythm (of the heart / life), patterns of relationships through the detail of the whole unit to infinity and exploration of the fonts. In the context of next project The Sweet Secrets of the Unspoken upgrades the research Morse code and Braille by means of ready-made pieces. Through the symbolic field of the sign language new dimensions of transformation, tactile, auditory, and visual search continue to be revealed.
As for the concept, the context and the visual image the project Written Secrets is in all respects a logical continuation of the series Sound Note Painting and at the same time a logical continuation of the project The Sweet Secrets of the Unspoken ...